About the Fieldtrip tutorial category

Welcome to the Fieldtrip tutorial!

We am looking forward to next week Wednesday when we’ll run the FieldTrip tutorial at WIRED2024. We have the afternoon to discuss and go through a hands-on tutorial on intracranial data. Furthermore, we will be discussing common and challenging analysis steps for intracranial data.

We have prepared a page with some details on the FieldTrip website, please see FieldTrip tutorial at WIRED 2024 in Paris - FieldTrip toolbox. That page will be updated as we go along.

See you next week,

Robert and Marie-Constance

Dear all,

Thanks for your participation in the FieldTrip tutorial at WIRED, for contributing to an interactive and friendly environment and for asking good questions. As promised, the intro slides are now available on FieldTrip tutorial at WIRED20204 in Paris | PPT.

Please note that there is much more material on the FieldTrip website, including additional tutorials and video lectures. I am looking forward to meeting you at future events!

best regards,
Robert and Marie-Constance